How do I increase my chances of success?
With good change management, projects are more likely to be achieved
set goals and brought business value as much as 6 times greater than at
projects with poor change management. Just with a simple movement
from "poor" to "sufficient" change management, and the probability of achieving it
of the project's goals has already increased by 3 times.
Our solutions
Change management certification program
Change management employee orientation
Delivering project results workshop
Our articles
ADKAR eBooks
ADKAR eBooks Your success is our top objective. By now you’ve been exposed to the Prosci ADKAR® Model. It’s time to learn more about the building blocks
Posreduj prave informacije in vzpostavi pozitivno okolje!
Posreduj prave informacije in vzpostavi pozitivno okolje! Vodja je tisti, ki ima vsakodnevni in neposreden stik s svojo ekipo. Zato je tudi njihov neposreden sogovornik,
Začni projekt strukturirano!
Začni projekt strukturirano! Odkljuknica upravljanja sprememb združuje seznam najbolj kritičnih opravil, ki vodijo k uspešni spremembi oziroma projektu. Vključuje kjučne točke petih planov upravljanja sprememb,