Team Building
Poldnevna delavnica je ustvarjena za aktivno vključevanje vseh udeležencev v spremembe. Daje vam priložnost, da s simulacijo in igrifikacijo spoznate pomen upravljanja sprememb, z takojšnjim vidnim učinkom na praktičnem primeru.
Rezultati delavnice bodo udeležence motivirali, da se v svojem delovnem okolju vključijo in uspešno vodijo podobne situacije.
Delavnica vključuje
- razčlenjen pregled modela osebnoste spremembe ADKAR®
- kratko verzijo simulacije z napredno igrifikacijsko platformo
- pregled z našimi inštruktorji (kaj deluje in kaj ne)
Z delavnico pridobim
- simulacijo praktičnih izkušenj z vodenjem ljudi skozi spremembe
- zabavno in pristno doživetje za udeležence
- naučili se boste praktičnega, preprostega in strukturiranega pristopa k obvladovanju procesa upravljanja sprememb
- navdih za uspešno doseganje lastnih sprememb
- nasvete in trike za boljše uvajanje sprememb
Advantages of the workshop
- gain knowledge about change management and its importance,
- learn how important the involvement of the individual in the change process is for the success of the organization,
- pridobite samozavest pri spopadanju in vodenju sprememb,
- you get the opportunity to discuss changes in your company with our instructors.
Cena: 2430,00 €
Our customers' opinions
The Actee group simulation places you in situations requiring both quick decision-making and strategic change planning. Solving the game is also a process of understanding team dynamics and the thought processes of individual team members, from strategists to those resistant to change. An important step is also reviewing personnel/employees after each action because feedback is crucial, and we want to know where our colleagues have moved.
Tonja Avsenik,Leader of the AmCham YOUng platform and project manager, AmCham Slovenia.
The lecture prepared by Tjaša and Peter impressed me. They managed to present information that is extremely valuable for any organization in an interesting and entertaining way; time with them passed (too) quickly.
Urša Ušeničnik,Lawyer
Workshop was a confirmation of what we already know as a leadership team - our choices are reason that we either gain or loose trust of our team.
Barbara Pojatina,Finance, Accounting and Controlling Manager KI